​Why Install High Flow Cat Converters On The Y62 Patrol

The Y62 Patrol is one of the most exciting V8s currently on the market in a comfy, family size. The biggest issue is the powerful 5.6L V8 still feels sluggish carrying around its 2.5 tonne frame, and this compounds further if you are towing a 3 tonne caravan! But don’t stress – the exhaust upgrades that are available from Rhino Exhaust can provide the performance gains you are looking for. Yes that’s right we have a range of different systems available from bolt on extractors, high flow cats and larger 3inch cat back exhaust system that all enable the big V8 to breathe.

If you have already changed to a bigger Cat Back System, adding the high flow cat converters is a real game changer. There are 2 main reasons – the factory cats inlet is a very restrictive 47mm over against the much larger 60mm inside diametre that the Rhino Exhaust ones have. 

The next reason is the cell density of the catalytic converters. The factory cats are a very restrictive 400 cell per square inch (CPSI) design with a ceramic biscuit whereas we use 100 CPSI and use a high grade metallic biscuit to offer improved flow and withstand higher temperatures that a roaring V8 will put out. 

There is also no risk turning on an engine light by replacing these secondary cat converters as the sensors are in front of where the cat converter is positioned [note that the factory system also has a pair of cats adjoined the factory manifolds

Check out the more at https://rhinoexhaust.com.au/3-inch-exhaust-to-suit-nissan-patrol-y62-5-6l-v8-2013-onwards/